Traders & Items

Adding & changing items

Adding new item is simple, we need to add our item to a dictionary goods_list.

init 11 python:

  # ADD #

  # It adds new item -> SuperSecretNewItem, it has base price of 1 and belongs to Quest category.
  # You can add your own categories by simply assigning items to it.
  # Syntax is like this: goods_list.update({"NewItem": [base_price, "Category"]})
  goods_list.update({"SuperSecretNewItem": [1, "Quest"]})

  # CHANGE #

  # This changes wood's base price to 5
  goods_list.update({"Wood": [5, "Materials"]})

  # Alternative way to change price
  goods_list["Wood"][0] = 5

  # To change category with above method, change [0] to [1]
  # This changes wood's category to new - Basic Materials category.
  goods_list["Wood"][1] = "Basic Materials"

Change existing trader

 1# Traders aren't created in init time,
 2# they are unique to all saves,
 3# we need to changed them at save load (it'll work only after first game load (no new game, for now))
 4# Player can start new game, save and load.
 5# We need to create our after_load label, don't use name after_load, add prefix
 7label sample_after_load:
 8  python:
 9    # Check Trader class attributes for things to change, what they do and their type
10    # This adds 10 Mysterious Coins to Hollow Market
11    hollow_market.sta_goods.update({"Mysterious Coin": 10})
13  # It's important to return at the end of your after_load label, otherwise game won't start correctly
14  return
16init 11 python:
17  # Now we need to add our after_load to execute on my after_load, we can do this with trigger system
18  code = '"sample_after_load")'
19  com_code = compile(code, "triggers", "exec")
21  trigger.add("after_load_start", com_code)
23  # Done! now our prefix_after_load label will execute (within python block) at the start of loading a save

List of traders

 1# Traders, they are all called with default statement #
 2mysterious_trader = Trader(name = "Mysterious Trader", include = ["Mysterious Coin"], sta_goods = {"Wood": 100, "Stone": 100, "Cloth": 100, "Metal": 100}, sta_cards = [Vampirism()], cards_value = {"Vampirism": 10}, rate_sell = 1.0,
 3  relations_dif = 10, discount_max = 0.0)
 5debug_trader = Trader(name = "Debug Trader", sta_goods = {"Wood": 100, "Stone": 100, "Cloth": 100, "Metal": 100, "Mysterious Coin": 100, "Ice Creams": 10}, sta_cards = [Vampirism()], cards_value = {"Vampirism": 10}, rate_sell = 0.75, relations_dif = 10, discount_max = 0.0)
 6al_7_tr = Trader(name = "Alice", sta_goods = {"Cloth": 1, "Mysterious Coin": 1}, include = [""], rate_sell = 1.0, value_player_offset = 1, goods_value = {"Mysterious Coin": 1}, locked = True, label_deal = "al7f1")
 7al_7_tr2 = Trader(name = "Alice", avoid_cat = "Quest", rate_sell = 1.0, value_trader_offset = 1, locked = True, label_deal = "al7f2")
 9hollow_market = Trader(name = "Hollow Market", include_cat = ["Materials"], sta_goods = {"Wood": 500, "Stone": 500, "Metal": 500, "Cloth": 500}, rate_sell = 0.5, unique = True,
10  relations_dif = 25, relations_threshold = 100, discount_max = 0.1, label_exit = "")
12wanderer_trader = Trader(name = "Wandering Trader", sta_goods = {"Wood": 10, "Stone": 10, "Metal": 10, "Cloth": 10}, goods_chance = {"Mysterious Coin": [1, 1, 0.25], "Wood": [0, 5, 1.0], "Stone": [0, 5, 1.0],
13  "Metal": [0, 5, 1.0], "Cloth": [0, 5, 1.0], "Ice Creams": [1, 1, 0.5], "Antibiotics": [1, 1, 0.5]})
15wanderer_daughter = Trader(name = "Wandering Trader", rate_sell = 1.0, label_exit = "exp_friendly_wanderers.trademenu", use_relations = wanderer_trader)

Defining new trader

1init 11 python:
2  # This trader has 100% chance to have between 3 to 8 wood on restock
3  my_trader = Trader("TraderName", goods_chance = {"Wood": [3, 8, 1.0]})

Trader class attributes

 1class Trader(object):
 2  def __init__(self, name, sta_goods = {}, goods_chance = {}, sta_cards = [], relation_goods = {}, avoid = [], include = [], avoid_cat = [], include_cat = [], goods_value = {}, cards_value = {}, rate_sell = 0.75, rate_buy = 1.0, value_player_offset = 0, value_trader_offset = 0, locked = False, unique = False, label_deal = None, label_exit = None, discount = 0.001, discount_lock = True, use_relations = None, relations_dif = 6, relations_threshold = 0, discount_max = 1.0):
 3 = name # Shop / trader name
 4    self.sta_goods = sta_goods # Dict {item: amount} Starting goods, used when restock is triggered
 5    self.sta_cards = sta_cards # List [card] Starting cards, used when restock is triggered
 6    self.goods_chance = goods_chance # Dict {item: [min, max, chance]} chance is float 0.0 - 1.0
 7    self.relation_goods = relation_goods # Dict {item: [min, max, chance, required_relation]}
 9    self.avoid = avoid # List of item names that can't be traded with. Those items would be excluded.
10    self.include = include # List of items that can be traded with. Only those items can be used.
12    self.avoid_cat = avoid_cat # List of categories to exclude.
13    self.include_cat = include_cat # List of categories to include.
15    self.goods_value = goods_value # Dict {item: price} Overrides default items price.
16    self.cards_value = cards_value # Dict {card: price} Overrides default card price.
18    self.rate_sell = rate_sell # Float, percent value player goods sell for.
19    self.rate_buy = rate_buy # Float, percent value trader merchandise costs.
21    self.value_player_offset = value_player_offset # With no items in deposit, player trade value = offset
22    self.value_trader_offset = value_trader_offset # With no items selected, trader goods value = offset
24    self.locked = locked # If player can quit the trade without making a deal
25    self.unique = unique # if it has its own screen and shouldn't call trading screen instead returns categorized list [player goods, trader goods]
27    # Labels to jump to after trade depending on outcome #
28    self.label_deal = label_deal
29    self.label_exit = label_exit
31 = discount # percent of discount per one point of relation, default 0.1% per relation
32    self.relations_dif = relations_dif # amount of $ traded to increase relations by 1, default 6
33    self.relations_threshold = relations_threshold # relations start to increase after x$ trade value, default 0
34    self.discount_max = discount_max # maximum discount, float 0.0 to 1.0. 1.0 is 100% discount
35    self.discount_lock = discount_lock # Boolean, if discount is locked to min of rate_buy
36    self.use_relations = use_relations # trader whose relations are used and increased
38    self.goods = {}
39 = []
41    self.deposit_goods = {} # Item: amount
42    self.deposit_cards = [] # Card
44    self.selected_goods = {} # Item: amount
45    self.selected_cards = [] # Card
47    self.value_player = 0
48    self.value_trader = 0
50    self.allowed_goods = []
52    self.relations = 0
53    self.disc_price = 0.0
55    if self.use_relations == None:
56        self.use_relations = self
58    self.restock()
59    self.calc_discount()

Trader class methods

  • improve_relations(self, worth, who)

    • worth - calculate relations improvement from this amount

    • who - which trader relations to increase

  • calc_discount(self, who = None)

    • who - if not None, sets trader whose relations to use

  • restock(self, who = None, replace = True)

    • who - which trader relations to use for relation based functions

    • replace - if True replaces items trader has

  • rand_goods(self, min = 1, max = 10, what = None)

    • min - minimum amount of material

    • max - maximum amount of material

    • what - if not None, it takes a list of items to randomize amount, if None it randomizes all items

  • start_trade(self)

  • value(self)

  • deal(self)

  • cancel(self)

  • exit(self, deal = False)

    • deal - if True it jumps to label_deal, if label_exit is defined it jumps to it otherwise it returns

  • add_deposit(self, what, amt)

  • add_selected(self, what, amt)

  • add_inventory(self, what, amt)

  • add_goods(self, what, amt, rest = False)

  • calc_dep(self, x, mode)

  • calc_sel(self, x, mode)