
Add new dreams

Create new label consisting of three parts:

  • prefix d_ - That’s required for dream to be recognize as a dream

  • name My_Dream_Name - Name of your dream, replace spaces with _

  • suffix _type - Category of your dream:
    • 0 - Normal / Positive - brings positive or no effect

    • 1 - Nightmare - brings negative effect

    • 2 - Wet - contains H scenes

    • 3 - Other - special or complex effects, can’t be put in other category

Code should look like this:

1label d_Light_0:
2    scene d 2 1 with fade
3    "You open your eyes only to see a light."
4    "The light illuminates the world."
5    "You float amidst the clouds and enjoy the light shining on you."
6    $player.corrupt(-3)
7    "You fell purified."
8    jump dream_end
1if True:
2  print("XD")

More label examples:

  • label d_First_Love_2:

  • label d_Deal_with_the_Devil_3:

  • label d_Reccuring_Nightmare_1:

Dreams should be ended with jump dream_end - it’s a generic dream ending it blackens the screen and executes sleep method, you can end the dream other way if you know what you are doing:

 1label d_end:
 2    # Start to make the screen fade to darkness
 3    show screen blacken(ilosc = "50") with dissolve
 4    "You feel everything around fading away. You are awakening."
 5    pause 0.25
 6    show screen blacken(ilosc = "90") with dissolve
 7    pause 0.25
 8    show screen blacken(ilosc = "C0") with dissolve
 9    pause 0.25
10    show screen blacken(ilosc = "FF") with dissolve
11    pause 0.25
13    # Restore player hp & sanity
14    $player.sleep()
16    # Stop all music and sound from dream
17    stop music2 fadeout 1.0
18    stop sound fadeout 1.0
19    stop music fadeout 1.0
21    # Play music depending on location
22    if "room_hotel" in player.location:
23        play music persistent.music_hotel fadein 1.0
25    # Return to the label
26    return

Change dream chance

To change the base dreams chance you need to change dream_base_chance variable, like this:

init 11 python:
    # Float, 1.0 for 100% chance, 0.0 for 0% chance.
    dream_base_chance = 0.4