Customize Astral Lust

Tweak variables

Here you’ll find easy to tweak game variables, this way you’ll make the game adhere to your preferences. To change the variables use:

init 11 python:
  variable = value

Change/add journal tip

To change a tip we need to do this:

tips["story_name"][event_number] = "new_tip"

Story names are the same you see in the journal in-game. Remember to work on them in init time (inside init python: statement)

1tips["Main Story"][1] = "Now first Main Story event will have this as a tip."

To add a new tip you can just pop() the last story tip, then append() to a story. First the new tip then the last tip.

1tips["Lexi"].pop() # Remove last item
2tips["Lexi"].append("New tip.") # Add new tip
3tips["Lexi"].append("More coming soon.") # Add last tip, there needs to be one more tip than amount of events.

 1tips = {
 2  "Main Story": [ # Name of a story
 3    "player.story", # [0], String, variable keeping story progress (which event you've completed)
 4    # _("string") marks it as translatable in Ren'Py
 5    _("I have a gut feeling that I would have a good dream."), # [1], Actual tips
 6    _("Who knows what awaits me outside?"), # [2]
 7    _("I need to take care of my mental health."), # [3]
 8    _("Maybe someone can answer my questions out there."), # [4]
 9    _("I wonder if I would turn insane if it spoke to me again.."), # [5]
10    _("Who knows what awaits me outside?"), # [6]
11    _("My dreams are becoming more disturbing as of late."), # [7]
12    _("More coming soon.") # [8], Last tip, you need one more tip than your events, if you want you can use "Completed" instead
13  ]

Add story

We can add new story with very simple method:

1init 11 python:
2  tips.update({"My Story": [ # Name of a story
3    "my_story_progress_tracking_variable", # [0], String, variable keeping story progress (which event you've completed)
4    _("I have a gut feeling that I would have a good dream."), # [1], Actual tips, make as much as you need
5    _("More coming soon.") # Last tip, you need one more tip than your events, if you want you can use "Completed" instead
6  ]})

List of safe to tweak variables

  • dream_base_chance = 0.2 - Chance for a dream during sleep

  • Base chance for card of given rarity to drop, player luck is added to it:

    • base_ordinary_chance = 60

    • base_extraordinary_chance = 25

    • base_mythical_chance = 10

    • base_angelic_chance = 3

    • base_divine_chance = 2

  • base_escape_chance = 0.2 - Base chance to escape combat

  • agi_escape_chance = 0.02 - Chance to escape combat per agility point

  • escape_chance_cap = 0.65 - Maximum escape chance

  • terror_chance = 50 - Chance for beings in terror to skip turn, in %, deafult 50%

  • base_gen_combat_chance = 0.45 - chance of generic combat event, 1.0 for 100% 0 for 0%, story mode disables random combat encounter without care for this setting

  • succubus_base_lust = 50 - Lust that succubus start with, default 50

  • succubus_lust_increase = 5 - Lust that succubus gain per day, default 5

  • succubus_max_lust = 100 - Lust after which succubus come to us for sex, default 100

  • succubus_lust_mult = 5 - Multiplier of lust succubus lose after H, default 5

  • sleep_with_girl_cor_chance = 0.5 - Chance for corruption decrease during sleepover

  • journal_color = "#45B6FE" - Color of journal tips